
Posts Tagged ‘recycle’

Ahem. On July 4th we’ll be having a 25% off sale on all of our shirts. Just use your greedy little paws to enter the discount code 1776. You’re welcome.

Now for the real dirt.

You might want to sit down.

I recently decided to ask people if they knew what happened to their garbage after it got tossed in the trash can. My quest began with my 42 year old neighbor, who claimed that the Garbage Fairy was responsible for cleaning up after us. She managed to explain this idea to me between swigs of Long Island Iced Tea.

“The magical Garbage Fairy is kin to (hic) the Recycling Fairy, you know? She arrives on garbage day in her enchanted garbage truck once a week and empties my trash cans. Then she totes my old plastic bags and egg cartons off to her (hic) secret lair. Who knows where she hides her treasures or what crazy uses she has for them? I once left a note in my trash can with the suggestion that she use them to build a (hic) quieter vehicle, but the sly gal never answered. C’est la vie. In the end, she’s happy; I’m happy – it’s a beautiful relationship.”

Right. After I left her house I called my Dad to ask him the same thing and, let’s face it, to make fun of my neighbor.

“Isn’t that the most pathetic thing you’ve ever heard, Dad?”
“Dad. You do know where your garbage goes after you’re done with it, right?”
“Oh yeah, yeah. In the trash can.”
“But after that. After it’s picked up.”
“. . . by the Garbage Fairy?”
“Are you fucking with me?”
“ (hic)”

That’s it.  I’d ask the rest of you in person but I’ve lost all hope in humanity. Redeem it, please.

The amount of things getting thrown away every day that could be recycled is insane. One of our fans obviously feels the same way, and has sent in a photo of herself wearing our “WTF? Recycle Already!” shirt.


Thanks for the love. Send in your own photos, videos or links that you want us to check out and we’ll reward you with a claim to fame right here.

Coming soon: More garbage and we give you dirt about inspiring people who are living green in unbelievably EXTREME ways.

Here’s to being trashy in the best way possible,
The Fly


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